
All projects listed below are hobby projects only. To see some of my freelance work please head over to

Flying Club Booking Javascript

Started 2023

A prototype for a rewrite of my local flying clubs booking website using modern technologies to make booking planes easier, faster and more comfortable. It includes a booking grid, management of members and planes, and management of plane maintenance.

Javascript SvelteKit Bootstrap 5 Prisma Nodemailer iCal

Coastal Nav Calculator Java

Started 2016

A nautical course calculation calculator that allows to conveniently and quick convert between true, magnetic and compass courses.

Java Android SDK OrmLite RoboGuice

nss-run Javascript

Started 2016

A very simplistic build tool that allows to quickly write build scripts with custom javascript as well as allow an easy invocation of other CLI tools.

Javascript NodeJS

Winery Java

Started 2011

A small android app school project that allows wine show owners to quickly and easily manage wine orders.

Java Android SDK OrmLite iText

CppWebMVC C++

Started 2010

A prototype web MVC framework written in C++. It uses a custom C++ parser app to create reflection information that then can be used with an XML bean configuration system to run a website.

C++ Boost Thread Mongoose rapidxml

IRC Bot C++

Started 2010

A modular IRC Bot written in C++ that follows the most common IRC RFC's as well as allows to dynamically load/unload modules to extend the capabilities of the bot.

C++ Sockets Boost Thread Boost Program options libjson

Perfect Time Java

Started 2009

A special auction type game where people can bid on items. While doing that the item price increases. At the end the winner of the auction can buy the item at the last achieved price.

Java Spring 3 Hibernate Postgresql Quartz

Pixel Mouse C++

Started 2008

A small reaction based game where the player has to collect coins and at the same time avoid the bad coins.

C++ SDL OpenGL OpenAL Sockets

Moon Shooter C++

Started 2008

Moon Shooter is a small clon ef the well-known game "Moorhuhn" but in space.

C++ SDL OpenGL OpenAL