
All projects listed below are hobby projects only. To see some of my freelance work please head over to

Practice Time Javascript

Started 2023

A tool to help musicians keep track of their practice and get an overview of how often/well they practice. The app runs fully locally and leverages PWA (Progressive Web App) technics to allow it to be installable, run fully offline and stores all data inside the browser (no accounts required). And comes with a simple import/export feature to back up and migrate the locally stored DB.

Javascript SvelteKit Flowbite Firebase (Hosting, Analytics) IndexedDB PWA (Progressive Web App)

Aviation SAR Javascript

Started 2023

A simple tool to collect some SAR related information (route, search area range, additional info) as well as a local database file (containing geo referenced points of interest) and then create ether a KML file including all POIs along the route given the search area corridor or a PDF file with the same info. Everything running in the users local browser only!

Javascript SvelteKit Bootstrap 5 Firebase (Hosting, Analytics) KML PDF


Started 2022

A small web tool to convert canadian NOTAM (notice to airman) to a KML network link feed so that it can be used inside Google Earth Pro for flight planning. This is a small side project to and is used by an aviation service daily.

Rust hyper reqwest serde kml Docker Javascript

Started 2021

This website build fully with NextJS. It uses my LinkedIn profile to auto generate large sections of the about me page as well as an easy way to manage projects.

Javascript NextJS ReactJS Tailwind CSS LinkedIn Profile to JSON Resume Vercel

WXBrief.CA Javascript

Started 2021

A tool to view canadian weather information in a way easier to digest format then what the new Nav Canada CFPS website at the moment offers.

Javascript ReactJS Bootstrap 4/5 PagerDuty Firebase (Hosting, Functions, Analytics)

NOTAM.CA Javascript

Started 2020

A web tool to view canadian NOTAM (notice to airman) ether as a regular list (similar to what Nav Canada offers) or on a map to quickly visualize the affected areas.

Javascript ReactJS Bootstrap 4/5 PagerDuty Firebase (Hosting, Functions, Analytics)

Daily Hive RSS Javascript

Started 2016

A simple util that parses the Daily Hive website (a local Vancouver "news" page) and generates an RSS feed as during there re-design that function was removed.

Javascript NodeJS

Flowergame PHP

Started 2009

A flower collection browser game where any user can collect and grow flowers, plant them into gardens and play minigames to collect resources.

PHP CakePHP (c) Symfony (current) Docker

wp-mpdf PHP

Started 2009

A small Wordpress plugin that can generate PDF's of posts and pages based on simple html templates.

PHP Wordpress Geshi Mpdf