
All projects listed below are hobby projects only. To see some of my freelance work please head over to

CppWebMVC C++

Started 2010

A prototype web MVC framework written in C++. It uses a custom C++ parser app to create reflection information that then can be used with an XML bean configuration system to run a website.

C++ Boost Thread Mongoose rapidxml

IRC Bot C++

Started 2010

A modular IRC Bot written in C++ that follows the most common IRC RFC's as well as allows to dynamically load/unload modules to extend the capabilities of the bot.

C++ Sockets Boost Thread Boost Program options libjson

Pixel Mouse C++

Started 2008

A small reaction based game where the player has to collect coins and at the same time avoid the bad coins.

C++ SDL OpenGL OpenAL Sockets

Moon Shooter C++

Started 2008

Moon Shooter is a small clon ef the well-known game "Moorhuhn" but in space.

C++ SDL OpenGL OpenAL