Open-source Contributions

The following page lists a couple of my open-source contributions over the years.

themesberg / flowbite-svelte

Javascript, Svelte, Tailwind CSS

Flowbite Svelte is an official Flowbite UI component library for Svelte. All interactivities are handled by Svelte.

  • Fixed missing events for BottomNav component

  • Fixed missing z-index for Dropdown component

abdolence / slack-morphism-rust

Rust, Serde, Slack API

A modern async client library for Rust, supports Slack Web / Events API/Socket Mode and Block Kit.

  • Added additional slack events

keystonejs / keystone

Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL

The superpowered CMS for developers!

  • Identified and fixed a bug that prevented the server to listen on all network interfaces

TandoorRecipes / recipes

Python, Django, Django REST framework

Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!

  • Identified and fixed a bug that prevented all write API calls from succeeding

leits / MeetingBar

Swift, MacOS, EventKit

MeetingBar is a menu bar app for your calendar meetings.

  • Added feature to filter out events based on regex rules

  • Fixed a bug where the menu bar got out of sync with the menu entries

kost / dcled


A userland driver for Dream Cheeky (Dream Link?) USB LED Message Board

  • Converted the build system from make to cmake

  • Converted USB library from LibHid to LibHIDAPI

A ReactJS wrapper for seiyria's Bootstrap Slider component using Bootstrap.

  • Exposed an additional property slideStart

Official bootstrap for running your own Dispatch with Docker.

  • Removed requirement to require postgresql client on host machine

  • Cleaned up scripts to reduce redundant variables

  • Removed not needed environment variables

The NucleosUserBundle is a fork of FOSUserBundle which adds a lightweight support for a database-backed user system in symfony.

  • Fixed backwards compatability with FOSUserBundle

  • Fixed phpstan setup

  • Adjusted some base classes to support extending