
I'm a self-taught developer focusing on making the payment world a better place. I'm experienced in frontend frameworks like React as well as backend frameworks like ktor and Spring Boot. Working both on frontends, backends as well as mobile apps I can truly say I am a developer that lives and breathes the full development lifecycle.

I am highly motivated in expanding my horizons day by day for better performance, user experience and cool new technologies.


Warner Music Group

  • Senior Software Engineer (Management Track)

    Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaJul 2024 - Present

Cogindo Solutions Inc.

  • President

    Vancouver, CanadaFeb 2015 - Present

    Building custom software to full fill the customers needs. Some projects include: Prototype of a mobile game to teach science and a sailing school management software.

6 yrs 9 mos

  • ERP/Apps Engineering Manager 1 yr 6 mos

    Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaFeb 2023 - Jul 2024

    Leading two teams responsible for all client-facing systems (ERPs as well as internal/external tools). Developing and implementing development and QA best practices as well as doing continued architecture reviews.

  • ERP Engineering Manager 3 yrs 10 mos

    Vancouver, CanadaMay 2019 - Feb 2023

    Leading a team of five developers, one QA and one Coop in a SCRUM setup to deliver quality enhancements to our existing ERP's as well as integrating brand new ERP's into the FISPAN platform.

  • Senior Software Developer 1 yr 7 mos

    Vancouver, CanadaNov 2017 - May 2019

    Creating the very first iteration of the Netsuite and Intacct extension. In addition to that building and designing the internal sync engine that powers a lot of FISPAN's magic.

Surespan Digital 8 mos

  • Senior Software Developer

    North Vancouver, CanadaApr 2017 - Nov 2017

    Developed on the Go99 App. An application that allows independent truck drivers to bid on posted jobs instead of having to go through am external (and often expensive) third party broker. Worked primarily on the backend and help get the idea of the ground.

4 yrs 6 mos

  • Software Development Team Lead 1 yr 4 mos

    Vancouver, CanadaDec 2015 - Mar 2017

    Leading a team of four developers and one QA. As a SCRUM team we migrated successful the client portal from an old JSP UI to a brand new re-designed JSF based design as well as developed a developer portal to allow interested developers to easily explore and test the Hyperwallet API's.

  • Senior Software Developer 3 yrs 3 mos

    Vancouver, CanadaOct 2012 - Dec 2015

    Responsible for the mobile apps (native android and iOS) which included building a system to easily brand and deploy them. As well as creating the payout web user interface that allows end customers to select how they get paid. The last big challenge in this role was creating a embeddable widget to enter bank account information which supports bank accounts world wide including their unique validation rules.

Florian Krauthan 6 yrs 2 mos

  • Owner

    Munich, Germany and Vancouver, CanadaDec 2008 - Feb 2015

    Build various custom applications for customers around Munich. A couple of examples: A callcenter billing tool, a local yellow pages application and a movie crowdfunding portal.

1&1 Internet AG
3 yrs 1 mo

  • Junior Software Developer 2 mos

    Munich, GermanyJul 2012 - Aug 2012

    PhotoManager Development (a web photo album) for GMX, WEB.DE and 1&1

  • Apprentice 3 yrs

    Munich, GermanyAug 2009 - Jul 2012

    Apprentice as an IT Specialist for Application Development. As part of the apprenticeship I've worked in software development, DevOps as well as product management.

Volunteer work

  • Animal Husbandry @ Marine Mammal Rescue Centre active

    The Marine Mammal Rescue Centre is Canada's only dedicated marine mammal rescue facility and one of the largest in the world.

  • Rescue Volunteer @ Jericho Rescue Team active

    Every year Jericho Rescue volunteers help over 200 mariners in peril. Beyond on-water support the team also provides a free safety seminar to anyone interested in attending.

  • Mentor @ Kids Code Jeunesse (KCJ) past

    Coding for kids (KCJ) is a non profit organisation dedicated to helping kids learn how to code by supporting teachers, educators, parents, volunteers and communities.

  • Mentor @ GIRLsmarts4tech past

    GIRLsmarts4tech is the chance for girls in grade 7 to explore and learn about computer science. We have hands-on activities and cool demos.

  • Youth Group Leader @ Symphonic Wind Orchestra Germering past

    The orchestra's mission is to give people easy access to learn an instrument and participate in an locally well known orchestra. In addition to that they organize activities like going to an movie studio, learn to cook and many more to keep the youth engaged.


  • Flying single engine planes
  • Biking
  • Sailing
  • Windsurfing
  • Skiing
  • Programming
  • 3D Printing
  • Reading fiction books
  • Playing video games
    • Battlefield
    • Rainbow Six Siege
    • many more...